Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rick Perry Presents: The New, Improved Fascism For Century 21. A Fascism You Can Live With, Because It's What Everyone Really Wants (TM)


We need someone to come up with a suitable term by which to Google Rick Perry. That is, we found one that applied to that other 'presidential Rick', (e.g. santorum: a frothy, etc.). Now, what dysfunctional bodily function might we 'perry-up' the public's Googly-goo-goo-goo-ing? I vote for something having to do with mucus, pus, bile, or any other unpleasant discharge.

This is a time of Great Outspeaking. Rick Perry is continuing in that tradition.

But take Warren Buffet: the CEO Club knows that Uncle Warren's gonna die before long. Don't be surprised if you hear a news flash that says 'BUFFET FOUND DEAD FROM EATING HUGE CREAMPUFF CAKE AFTER DELIVERING BLISTERING ANTI-RICH PEOPLE SPEECH'. Corporate media will say that he just wanted to spend more time with his family - IN HEAVEN.

These are the times of the Ricks (DinglePerry, Fecal froth), the Scotts (Gutterwalker), and the Rick Scotts (proper Google misdirectional tag NEEDED URGENTLY)

I would never vote for anybody named Rick, or Scott or Rick Scott.

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